Engineering consultancy

Positive energy buildings
As a thermal and fluid engineering consultancy, we can perform all the studies and investigations required for new builds. We aim to ensure the superior comfort and long-term service life of the recommended solutions as part of a lifecycle costing approach.

We are driven by our ambition to design buildings that produce more energy than they consume (positive energy building). These aims are already targeted by a number of ambitious schemes (BEPOS-effinergie) as a way of preparing for France’s future 2020 Building Energy Efficiency Standards. Energy transition legislation focuses on the development of positive energy buildings, including a charter signed with construction professionals and the constructability bonus scheme, which aims to absorb the extra costs associated with achieving exemplary energy performance.

We deliver services in the following fields:

Thermal engineering
Statutory thermal studies and labels
High-performance building envelopes
Summer comfort (dynamic thermal simulation)

HVAC engineering
HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning)
Heating networks

Supply and drainage
Rainwater harvesting and management

High-power & low-power electrical engineering
Smart buildings: building management systems
Self-consumption monitoring and management

Renewable energies
Thermal and photovoltaic solar energy (grid-tied or self-consumption)
Geothermal and aerothermal energy

Acoustical engineering
Acoustic comfort

Financial engineering
Lifecycle cost analysis
Financing studies (including subsidies, energy efficiency credits, and so on)

Examples of projects led by the building technology engineering department

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